“Family is the most important thing in the world” Princess Diana once uttered, and it’s become a staple in the homes of the people of the United Kingdom ever since. Us British people, we pride ourselves on our loyalty to family – we would do anything for them, we look out for them in their good times, and the bad times. We stick by ‘our own’; a sentiment shared a few hundred miles away in Hungary by Wellis.
Owned and managed by brothers Zsolt Czafik and Ákos Czafik, you get a real sense of what kind of company Wellis is, and which direction it’s already heading.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to take a tour of the factory and meet some of the people who run the day-to-day of the products that Wellis provide – and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel completely welcome and at home amongst the team. Walking around the highly impressive factory you just stand and think “wow”, followed by a real sense of relaxation and belonging and I don’t think this atmosphere is accidental or based on circumstance, I would be more inclined to think it is by design, and that design follows on to the products manufactured on site in beautiful Budapest.

The beauty doesn’t stop with the location by any means, you only have to look at the range of Spas Wellis produce to see that, and you just get the impression they’re designed to make memories with those closest to you, almost as if everything on offer is designed by family, for family which makes perfect sense – the first thing I’m doing with my new Spa by Wellis is inviting my family and friends (or extended family if you will) to check out my new purchase, and following on from that it’ll be a case of everybody in and relaxing together. Now I don’t know about you, but the only people I want to spend that sort of time with are the people closest to me.
There seems to be no end to the similarities between the family creating the products to the family over one thousand miles away creating memories in it. We’re all connected.
Social interaction has been important since day one, recent times have seen our families connected by Social Media but from my time wondering the Wellis premises it’s clear that the aim is to bring social back home, something I’m completely behind and will support.
It feels like it’s about time we put our phones down, picked our beers up (other options are available) and just enjoyed some quality personal time with those who mean most to us, don’t you think? After all – family is the most important thing in the world.
Blog post by Daniel Benjamin
